How many times have you left home without locking your front door? The odds are typically very low that someone will try to open it, so why would you do it? You could probably go for the rest of your life without ever locking your front door and never have your home entered by an unwanted person. The odds are so low that you could be labeled paranoid for locking your front door. However, the label of 'paranoid' quickly shifts to 'careless' once someone does. Imagine just how extreme the label of paranoid goes for those with uber security systems...
We are frequently faced with decisions in life that have extraordinary low probabilities of ever happening BUT have dire consequences if they do. You have a decision of being labeled as paranoid or careless. And, if your paranoia pays off, then you can also be upgraded to 'smart' or even 'genius' - consider a neighbor saying they saw someone trying to enter your home... especially if you had that uber security system. Hindsight has the amazing power to make paranoia become wisdom.
I carry band-aids with me whenever I travel. Once, while on travel, a colleague of mine noticed the band-aids. He thought it was a little over-the-top. He poked fun at me for an hour straight; he had time because we were on a three hour drive. Just when it was starting to get really really really old, he reached to scratch his ankle. His arm brushed against a sharp edge on the center console, causing a three-inch long gash. All of my band-aids were used. He was quiet for about 20 minutes - upon which he said, "I deserved that."
It is always better to be labeled paranoid before the fact than careless after the fact.
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